Join men from all around South New Zealand for a weekend of fellowship, fun activities and spiritual nourishment. Our guest speaker for the weekend is Pr Greg Timmins.

Venue – Mt Hutt Retreat
Dates – Arrive from 5pm Friday 9th August, leave after lunch on Sunday 11th August

“Shaky times! We all know we are living in them. But how can we be the solid men God wants us to be in these times? During this weekend we will discover how to be grounded solidly on Jesus, in Jesus, and for Jesus! I look forward to seeing you there!” – Greg

Greg grew up in the hills of the Wairarapa on a sheep and cattle station where he grew to love animals and the outdoors. After giving his heart to God in his final year at Longburn Adventist College, Greg heard God calling him to study ministry in the US where he lived and served for 15 years and also met his wife Molly. In 2006 God called Greg, Molly and family to serve in Cambodia with Adventist Frontier Missions planting churches among two unreached people groups. Greg currently serves as pastor of the Gisborne and Tikitiki churches. Greg and Molly have two children, Hannah who is a nurse, and Caleb who is a videographer. In his spare time Greg loves to run, do building projects on their lifestyle property, and camp. Greg’s passion in ministry is to make the gospel simple to understand and irresistible to follow!  

Full Weekend ticket
Meals – Provided from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch
Accommodation – Bed and mattress provided, please bring your own bedding, towel and toiletries
Extras – Resources and activities for the full weekend included
Sabbath Day ticket
Meals – Choose whether you will stay for lunch, or lunch plus dinner.
Extras – Sabbath resources and activities included
Registration is now closed.